A most wanted list of Asian Pacific Islander American bloggers from across the country will participate in BANANA 2 on February 26, 2011, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the back lot of CBS Studios in Studio City, Calif.
BANANA 2 is a follow-up to the inaugural convening in Nov. 2009 co-hosted by Lac Su, author of I Love Yous Are For White People (HarperCollins, 2009) and Steve Nguyen, a television/film producer and head of the ChannelAPA.com’s Los Angeles division, who enlisted the help of a small group of bloggers and community activists to produce an event highlighting and amplifying the online voices of Asian Americans.
“We are excited to have a talented group of established and up-and-coming bloggers from the APIA community at this second annual gathering to share their voices, knowledge, endeavors and visions with others – bloggers and non-bloggers, APIAs and non-APIAs,” said Su. “All of the bloggers expected to attend have unique views of their own community, and will share their progression as an APIA blogger.”
The conference will provide an opportunity for bloggers and their readers to build a stronger community by beginning conversations and building relationships beyond the conference. Conference panels will include topics on using blogs and social media to create meaningful social change, working with businesses and corporations and defining the role of Asian American bloggers.
The first gathering featured bloggers from Angry Asian Man, Minority Militant, 8Asians, Neaato (Network of Entertaining Asian American Talent), Hyphen Magazine, Mochi Magazine, Channel APA, Bicoastal Bitchin’, AArising, Antisocial Ladder, Nikkei View, VisualizAsian, Kimchi Mamas, Asian Pacific Americans for Progress, DVAN (Diasporic Vietnamese American Network), bigWOWO, and Sepia Mutiny.
Conference admission is $20 per person. Participants will be able to register online at http://banana-2.com now until Feb. 25, 2011. A complete schedule of panels and presenters will be announced in late Jan. 2011.
A list of articles, posts, photos and video related to last year’s gathering is available at the end of Gil Asakawa’s blog post at http://goo.gl/CwKdu. You can connect with BANANA 2 athttp://facebook.com/banana2.event and at http://twitter.com/Banana2_Event.